Full Name
Mwarigha M.S.
Job Title
Vice President of Housing Growth, Development & Asset Sustainability
WoodGreen Community Services
Speaker Bio
Vice President - Housing Growth, Development & Asset Sustainability, WoodGreen Community Services a leading non-profit affordable housing & human services agency in Canada.
Previously General Manager, Peel Housing Corporation, Ontario’s third largest municipal affordable corporation, 2010 – 2017.
Currently leads WoodGreen’s strategy to build 5000 affordable housing units through development, private partnerships, and acquisitions in this decade.
Has 20 plus years of experience and is an acknowledged thought Leader having represented for years, the affordable housing sector internationally and locally in the media. Currently a member of Urban Land Institute (ULI) and the Building Industry and Land Development Association (BILD). Currently a member of the Black North Initiative - a forum of key business and community leaders to address anti-black racism in Toronto. Also, Chairman, Homeless Connect Toronto organizes largest off the street homeless resource and service event(s) attended by 1,000 participants, 200 service agencies and approx. 100 business partners. Mwarigha has a master’s degree in urban planning University of Zimbabwe & Urban Geography University of Windsor Ontario.
Mwarigha M.S.