Full Name
Christine Tu
Job Title
Director, Office of Climate Change and Energy Management
Region of Peel
Speaker Bio
Christine Tu, M.Sc., is the Director, Office of Climate Change and Energy Management at the Regional
Municipality of Peel. Christine is responsible for establishing and enabling the integration of climate
change adaptation science, strategy, and risk-reduction planning across all Regional services, as well as
ensuring delivery of innovative energy management and rapid, cost-effective corporate greenhouse gas
emissions reduction programming. Currently, her work includes implementing the Region’s 10-year
Climate Change Master Plan, 5-year Energy Conservation and Demand Management Plan, and directing
the Secretariat for the Peel Climate Change Partnership. Prior to arriving at the Region in 2018, Christine
was a Watershed Specialist and Manager of the Ontario Climate Consortium Secretariat at the Toronto
and Region Conservation Authority.
Christine’s passion and expertise in championing the imperative of climate change emerged through her
career as a research scientist in the field of aquatic ecology. She received her undergraduate and
Master’s degrees in environmental science from the University of Toronto.
With over 20 years of experience evaluating the complex relationships between land use, sustainability
and integrating the realities of climate change impacts in highly urban watersheds, Christine has stepped
into her leadership role at the Region of Peel with unwavering clarity that incremental improvements
alone are no longer an option; and that deep collective action, across governments, sectors and
systems, is vital for transformational net-zero carbon and resilient outcomes
Municipality of Peel. Christine is responsible for establishing and enabling the integration of climate
change adaptation science, strategy, and risk-reduction planning across all Regional services, as well as
ensuring delivery of innovative energy management and rapid, cost-effective corporate greenhouse gas
emissions reduction programming. Currently, her work includes implementing the Region’s 10-year
Climate Change Master Plan, 5-year Energy Conservation and Demand Management Plan, and directing
the Secretariat for the Peel Climate Change Partnership. Prior to arriving at the Region in 2018, Christine
was a Watershed Specialist and Manager of the Ontario Climate Consortium Secretariat at the Toronto
and Region Conservation Authority.
Christine’s passion and expertise in championing the imperative of climate change emerged through her
career as a research scientist in the field of aquatic ecology. She received her undergraduate and
Master’s degrees in environmental science from the University of Toronto.
With over 20 years of experience evaluating the complex relationships between land use, sustainability
and integrating the realities of climate change impacts in highly urban watersheds, Christine has stepped
into her leadership role at the Region of Peel with unwavering clarity that incremental improvements
alone are no longer an option; and that deep collective action, across governments, sectors and
systems, is vital for transformational net-zero carbon and resilient outcomes
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