Full Name
Shauna Sylvester
Job Title
Lead Convenor
Urban Climate Leadership, a project of MakeWay
Speaker Bio
Shauna Sylvester is a Senior Fellow of the Definity Foundation, Founder and Lead Convenor for Urban Climate Leadership, a project of MakeWay, that works across sectors to help removes obstacles for cities to advance equitable climate action. Shauna brings over 35 years of experience in leading groups through complex problem solving. She has served as Professor of Professional Practice at SFU, Executive Director of the SFU Morris J. Wosk Centre for Dialogue, the Urban Sustainability Directors Network – US and Canada, and has Co-Founded and led six local and international dialogue initiatives: the SFU Public Square, Renewable Cities, Carbon Talks, Moving in a Livable Region, Canada’s World and IMPACS – the Institute for Media, Policy and Civil Society. Shauna is also the Lead Facilitator for Resilient Point Roberts: Going Solar a community-led initiative to bring solar to this small US exclave community.
Shauna Sylvester