Interview series: How are the three levels of government helping to stimulate the demand for deep retrofits and the industry to prepare?
Date & Time
Tuesday, June 13, 2023, 9:30 AM - 10:15 AM
Betsy Agar - Efficiency Canada
Ben Copp - Natural Resources Canada
Andy Collier - Prince Edward Island (PEI)
Sean Pander - City of Vancouver
Ben Copp - Natural Resources Canada
Andy Collier - Prince Edward Island (PEI)
Sean Pander - City of Vancouver

A) At a federal level: Ben Copp, Senior Director, Natural Resources Canada (NRCan)
B) At a provincial level: Andy Collier, Acting Senior Manager, Energy Policy and Programs, efficiencyPEI, Prince Edward Island (PEI)
C) At a city level - Sean Pander, Manager, Green and Resilient Buildings Branch, City of Vancouver