Mike Fletcher - City of Ottawa
Andrea Linsky - Alberta Ecotrust Foundation
Andy Cockburn - NAIMA Canada
Jillian McArthur - NAIMA Canada
Fellipe Falluh - Retrofit Construction
Kaitlin Carroll - The Atmospheric Fund (TAF)
Anna Kazmierska - Toronto Community Housing Corporation
Michael Jemtrud - McGill University
Juliana Dutkay - United Way Greater Toronto
Lauralyn Johnston - City of Toronto
Nik Schruder - Canada Mortgage and Housing Corporation (CMHC)

Each roundtable has a different topic and attendees can select the round table that they would like to participate in. Roundtable leaders will spend the first 15 minutes meeting the delegates and providing a case study / lessons learned log / industry update and then moderate a 30-minute discussion with the group where they can give feedback and ask questions. The final 10 –15 minutes will be spent on agreeing on 3-5 industry recommendations regarding the topic. A selection of these recommendations will be shared with the whole audience and all of them will be summarized in the post-event report.
• Case study: NetZero retrofit of a Community Centre
Topic to include a review of the highly efficient lite zone windows, demonstration of 3 methodologies for insulation injections in window frames, installation of windows in glass wall, radiator lab equipment, heat pumps, and occupancy controls.
Leader: Mike Fletcher, City of Ottawa
• Lessons learnt: How the social housing sector can take a holistic building portfolio approach to retrofits
Leaders: Kaitlin Carroll, Retrofit Services Manager, TAF | Anna Kazmierska, Design Manager, Multi-Disciplinary and Special Projects, Toronto Community Housing Fund (TCHF)
• Case study: Achieving the first Net Zero Ready certified home in Quebec
Leader: Fellipe Falluh, Founder, Retrofit Construction
• Industry exchange: Addressing energy poverty in Alberta with Canada’s first community-driven retrofit program
Leader: Yasmin Abraham, Kambo Energy Group
• Industry exchange: Launching Alberta’s Retrofit Accelerator Program as part of the Building Information Exchange
Leader: Andrea Linsky, Program Manager, Emissions Neutral Buildings, Alberta Eco-Trust
• Lessons learned: An Envelope First Approach to Carbon Reduction
Session to include a comprehensive exploration of the envelope first strategy, key elements and concepts for conserving energy with the Whole Home Approach, moving towards net zero standards. The session will specifically look at reducing operational carbon with common materials: mineral fibre insulation, airtightness, windows, doors, and right-sized mechanicals. Join in the discussion to explore challenges associated with implementing this strategy, including the availability of materials, equipment, and quality control issues.
Leaders: Andy Cockburn, Director of Training & Education and Jillian McArthur, Communications Specialist, NAIMA Canada
• Industry exchange: Landscape of Canadian Mass Retrofit Initiatives
The roundtable will present the current government support and funding initiatives— federal, provincial, and municipal. Roundtable participants will discuss program effectiveness, focus (ex: market development, capital funding, demonstration, etc.), long-term viability, and how they could be strategically integrated to build proper capacity for a national mass deep retrofit effort.
Leaders: Michael Jemtrud (Reconstruct), Lorrie Rand (Recover), Darla Simpson (ZebX), Keith Burrows, (The Atmospheric Fund)
• Industry insight: Retaining current market affordability with major retrofits
Leaders: Laura-Lyn Johnston, A/Manager, Tower Renewal, City of Toronto | Juliana Dutkay Senior Lead, Strategic Initiatives, United Way Greater Toronto (UWGT) | Nik Schruder, Advisor, Climate Change Office, Canada Mortgage and Housing Corporation (CMHC)