William Xia - NYSERDA
Janice Ashworth - City of Ottawa
Lynne J Strickland - Canadian Home Builders' Association
Sharon Coward - EnviroCentre

This session will include a review of some international examples of business models and how they are helping to engage and incentivize and offer equity to new stakeholders at scale. The session will then open up to discuss how to take these key learning opportunities forward in Canada.
Examples include:
• Energiesprong – The Netherlands / UK
• NYSERDA: Retrofit NY, New York
• Rocky Mountain Institute, REALIZE
Key questions:
• Brokering deals between owners and solution providers has been key to demand aggregation and development of integrated design and implementation, such as the flagship prefabricated panels solutions and all-in-one mechanical units. What has been key to the success of those deals?
• Ideally regulations and incentives are designed to leverage private capital from those with the ability to pay while ensuring equitable access to the benefits of building retrofits for low-income households. What best practices have you uncovered that help remove barriers such as upfront costs, long-term loan burdens and split incentives, particularly in low-income rental buildings which are often older buildings that are most affordable and most in need of upgrades?
• What aspects of international models are most easily adopted to Canadian contexts? What aspects would be challenging to adopt and how are you thinking about addressing the resulting gaps?
• How could mandatory building rating systems and appliance performance standards help move the dial in and accelerate decarbonization of existing buildings?
• NRCan is currently considering applications from retrofit accelerator and market development teams across the country, which will help ensure long-term support to accelerate deep retrofits. What do you hope to see from the successful teams? What are the top three services you think they need to provide in the first year of operation?