Interactive Round Tables: Climate Resilience, Financing & Equity + Site Tour 
Date & Time
Thursday, June 13, 2024, 11:30 AM - 12:45 PM
Yasmin Abraham Mike Mellross Sharon Coward Josephine Schrott Dylan Heerema Peter Amerongen Chanpreet Singh Ahsan Mirza Gregory Balycky Kathleen Heymans Jon Carrick Robin Goldstein Jessica Martin-Thompson Sam Lane Shahrzad Pedram Shauna Sylvester Sarah Smith


Site Tour 2 - Building B - click here for more details


Interactive Round Tables: Climate Resilience, Financing & Equity

Round 2 
Each round table has a different topic and attendees can select the round table that they would like to participate in. Round table leaders will spend the first 15 minutes meeting the delegates and providing a case study/lessons learned log/industry update and then moderating a 30-minute discussion with the group where they can give feedback and ask questions. The final 10 –15 minutes will be spent on agreeing on 3 -5 industry recommendations regarding the topic. A selection of these recommendations will be shared with the whole audience and all of them will be summarized in the post-event report.


  1. Scaling Alberta's low-income Residential Energy Efficiency Upgrades Program
    Yasmin Abraham, Kambo Energy Group
    Mike Mellross, Alberta Ecotrust Foundation
  2. What is success?​: What are the required ingredients to accelerate mass, deep retrofits in social housing?​
    Sharon Coward, EnviroCentre
  3. Advancing tenant’s rights to retrofits and energy efficiency
    Josephine Schrott, EcoTrust Canada
    Dylan Heerema, EcoTrust Canada
  4. How to plan effective staged retrofits if you can’t do it all at once
    Peter Amerongen, Retrofit Canada
  5. Structuring project financing for energy retrofits
    Ahsan Mirza, McMillan LLP
    Gregory Balycky, Canada Infrastructure Bank
  6. Retrofitting with Heat pumps - For Space heating, cooling, fresh air and domestic hot water applications
    Chanpreet Singh, Mitsubishi Electric Sales Canada 
  7. Scaling the impact of residential efficiency financing programs with private sector investment
    Kathleen Heymans, FCM
    Jon Carrick, Vancity Community Investment Bank
    Robin Goldstein, Federation of Canadian Municipalities
  8. Enhancing local capacity - the role of increasing local capacity in rural communities to enable equitable access to healthy homes.
    Jessica Martin-Thompson, Community Energy Association
  9. Writing an RFP for the Retrofit You Want
    Sam Lane, Entuitive
    Shahrzad Pedram, Entuitive
  10. Solving for heat pumps in low-rise MURBs
    Shauna Sylvester, Urban Climate Leadership, a project of MakeWay
  11. Empowering transformation: centering people and culture in decarbonization strategies
    Sarah Smith, Prism Engineering